The Fund encourages members to select participating hospitals/surgical centers. Doing so will result in a discounted rate. However, choosing a NON-participating hospital or surgical center affiliated with a NON-participating hospital would result in NO discount and a larger balance.
If you or a member of your family has an emergency, go to the ER!
An emergency is a life threatening or serious condition that occurs suddenly and may include acute trauma, prolonged vomiting, trouble breathing, a broken bone, chest pain, poisoning, severe burns, wounds that need stitches, or any other severe condition that you think may be life threatening.
There are times when going to the Emergency room is not appropriate. If you are sick, and your life is not in danger, call your regular doctor or visit what is referred to as an Urgent Care Center
Some reasons for going to an Urgent Care may include back pain, earache, sore throats, runny noses, seasonal allergies, sprain or bruise, small cuts, mild headache, moderate fever, or minor accident